For this music / photography creation about the French nuclear tests of the 60s in the Algerian Sahara, Gregory Dargent - oud invites two of the most amazing musicians of the free jazz and traditional music scenes: Anil Eraslan - cello (Absorb solo, Trio, Sousta Politiki) and Wassim Halal - percussion (Bey Ler Bey, Revolutionary Birds, Nizar Rohana trio) to question the irradiation of Art, the loss of identity of victims and on the freedom of desert spaces, somewhere between trances, improvised music and electronic deflagrations. Around this repertoire, a photographic work by Grégory Dargent, realized during the year 2017 in Reggane (Wilaya d'Adrar - Algerie), place of the tests, will be presented in the form of projections and exhibitions. The photography book H wil be released october 2018, with the album.
The album (on french the label bisonbison (L'Autre Distribution)) and the photographic book (Saturne Editions) will be released in autumn 2018.
Release Party: Nov 7th / L'Atelier du plateau / Paris
On tour from January 2018.
Grégory Dargent - oud, fx, direction, photography
Anil Eraslan - cello, fx
Wassim Halal - percussions
Mathieu Pelletier - sound
Nicolas Lamatierre - lights
Booking - contact@ni-le-soleil.com
Marc Chonier - press FR / Daniel Czieschke - press DE-AT-CH
Production - L'Assoce Pikante
France Culture / Par les temps qui courent / Marie Richeux : emission
L'intervale / Fabien Ribery
9lives Magazine / Pascal Therme
Fisheye / ITW
L'Oeil de la photographie / Cilou De Bruyn
Petit Bulletin / Compte rendu Exposition Grenoble
Coup de Coeur / Photo#graphie / Compte rendu Exposition Marseille
Télérama fff + Sélection de Noël
Dossier Exposition ici